I am using the example book code which starts with an intro scene however I want to change to an outro scene once the user gets to the last page of the book. What is the best way to do that? Is there some documentation on the methods available in the director class somewhere without having to dig through the code? Have you tried taking a look at the Storyboard API? There is an eBook template if you choose New Project > eBook upon launching Corona. An 'outro scene' could just be another scene that automatically goes back to the beginning once some kind of sequence is finished. I hadn't but it looks to be similar to the director class that I am using. Would prefer to stick with that and this was posted to the Director Class forum so was more looking for answers relating to that...
views:4558 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
I recently bought Particle Candy and Text Candy (Great Products) Im having a weird problem and wanting to know if anyone knows about this? The problem is I copied and paste the "screen2.lua" file from Sample Director Class / Text Candy. On "screen2.lua" the code works perfect but if I create a new " .lua " file and copy and paste the codes from "screen2.lua" to the new " .lua " file Simulator crashes. Be honest with you basically any new " .lua " file I create and paste the code from " screen2.lua " it wont work but if I change the name of " screen2.lua " to anything I want, it works its almost if thats a magical file LOL Update: I just tried something new and this is pretty funny, I created a file called " test.lua " and pasted the code from the file that works Perfectly Fine. And as usual it crashed so I deleted " test.lua " and copy and pasted " sample2.lua " from Sample Director Class / Text Candy an...
views:4638 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
such as multiple factories vs 1 factory with multiple sheets? ie. group.ui = layout_ui.createLayout(ui_sf, fps) nevermind... 1 local function createLayout(_spriteFactory)...
views:4611 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
Currently trialling Spriteloq and certainly impressed so far. The only bit I am not sure how to do is create my standard def and retina spritesheets. For example with TesturePacker you click a box and your standard sheet is created for you however in Spriteloq its not so obvious what you have to do, Can anyone one point me in the right direction please. Hey, AParachutingFrog, click on "Options" button on upper right corner and set the "Spritesheet Scales". With mine, I currently have it set to: 1,2 This setting generates original size plus 2x size sprite sheets for me. Naomi Hi APF, I hope you don't mind the abbreviation. hehe Here's a post that covers how to use it. views:2776 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
Sometimes while creating the sprites using spriteloq, I get the red background while clicking pack and hence I'm not able to create the sprite sheets. I am not able to figure out why this is happening. My app is getting delayed because of this problem. What can I do? Please help. Thanks If you're getting a red background it means what you're trying to capture is too big to fit into a spritesheet. You'll have to adjust whatever it is you're packing so it'll fit into 2048x2048. Can you post your swf somewhere so I can take a look?...
views:2691 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
MacBook - Corona Version 2012.738 (2012.12.8) Tested on iPhone, Simulator, Android. The "Simple Tuner" Example is a good example to recreate the bug. Tried with singing, guitar and sounds on my piano. Issue: There is a delay on severel seconds before the tuner can read the correct frequency, it seems to wander with random readouts before it stabilize. This maked it unusable for guitar and piano and other sounds with shorter sustain. If you compare with other tuners like "Cleartune" or "Peterson Strobosoft", there is an instant recognotion of the pitch...
views:2746 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
After I close a project in windows simulator, all the image and lua file handles are closed. But some handles remain for spriteheet images. Bug?...
views:2517 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
Hello, when i build my game with windows edition of corona, background images that have physics don't load on my android device, but its load correctly on simulator. and , when i build this game with MacBook , the game crashed on loading levels on device :( . note that, its load on my device in past ( previous version of corona )!! The last release of Corona fixed a bug on Android that only used 24-bits for images instead of the full 32-bits. With that said, Corona only supports 32-bit RGB images. Indexed PNG and grayscale images are not supported. Indexed PNG ? i used the latest version of corona ,that it's happend. my device is Samsung Galaxy S , and game tested on Android 2.3 and Android 4. :(...
views:2738 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
Building "Doodle Jump" tutorial. Seems to work ok in LevelHelper simulator but when run in Corona Sim getting: resource (Physics.lu) does not exist in archive using build 704. help appreciated thanks Happens to the best of us ;)...
views:2510 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
I have a very hard time right now as my whole application renders different on the device than on the emulator using "MarkerFelt-Thin" as font! When I render in the Simulator I get very different placing than on the device! To illustrate this try the following code and compare device with simulator output! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 local rec1=display.newRect(50,90,200,3) rec1:setFillColor( 255,255,255 )
views:3096 update:2012/2/13 9:11:28
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