Custom Controls

OZ Apps would like to announce some custom controls made in Lua for CoronaSDK which can be added to your projects directly without having to worry about other things. They follow the Corona philosophy of one line of code for usage.

The Gauge control can be found at

The Sliding Tabs with space for 5 items on each tab at

We are working on a comic book for a client and if you have the comic in a strip format, you could benefit with the Comic Book Control that takes any number of pages (work in progress) and can be seen at (This does not cause memory leaks as the Ansca sample does)

The links have a video to demonstrate what the control looks like and what it does. More coming soon.


Another Custom Control added to the lot, this time it is the PullToRefresh control, so add your UI to it and you can use this pull to refresh control. has a video of the same in action.


views:1687 update:2011/9/20 17:36:54
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