AGAIN! Got logged out while I was posting. AWESOME...NOT!


that's it. :-( I guess I won't post long answers here on the forum anymore. If anything at all. The third time in 2 weeks I pressed save after typing a good answer and found out that I was logged out because of that stupid forum cookie settings you use. Or whatever it is that causes this behaviour so you have to relogging after 24 hours.

With any NORMAL forum software you are able to jump back in your browser and find your post so you can copy it to paste it later after you had logged in again.
But not with this selfmade half working wannabee forum! After I got the message of death and then clicking on BACK in my browser, I am in the topic BEFORE i started my reply.


I know that it's incredibly frustrating, but if you copy before you post, then you've got a backup :)

// red.

Do you always do that? I am sure not. With this place you have to. But I just have to remind myself that I should be on here anyway and rather work on my stuff. Then it can't happen. :-)


The comment erasure thing is because the form was on a page that was secure. I've changed the masking on our security settings so forum edit/comment pages aren't secure by default so that shouldn't happen anymore.

What are other things you'd like to see in the forums?

On my list of upgrades I want to do are:
-wysiwyg editor
-gravitar support

Thanks Sean, that was very frustrating.

From your list I would like to see Quoting and gravitar support. Adding to that:

- Signatures with the ability to block their images
- Ability to PM other forum members
- Post attachments

Thank you

I'd like to see a way to "Thank" someone. For example the WarriorForum has a Thanks button you can press and the username of people who pressed that show up under the post.

It's a quick way to let someone you know appreciate their work without "wasting" a post just saying, "Thanks!"

I'd also like a way to stay logged in to the forum *forever* unless I manually log out.


@JA: Would a comment rating type system be enough? or do you think that thanking some one needs to follow the user around in some fashion?

@Mike: I'll add PMing to my list, that is an obvious one. The other two are technically easy, be are complicated policy wise. IMHO there are enough places to upload random snippets that we don't need to support file uploads, but obviously if enough people want it we'll look into it. The signature thing I personally can't stand (I actually have greasemonkey scripts to remove sigs from other forums I go to), so I would only turn them on if individual people could also turn off displaying them. That feeling extends to the avatar thing as well fwiw.

I can understand that signatures with images can be very annoying. But for an example, I would like to let the people know about my website and the twitter account. Right now I have to extend that always manually, or via a browser plugin. Or add the ability via the account and then add an icon link unter the user name so people can click there.

A comment rating system would probably be good enough -- just so I (and others) can give a thumbs up to someone without needing to fill a thread with "Thanks!" posts. Not that you should never thank someone, but those "filler" posts can detract from the actual point of a thread.


@Ansca Team

Give the money you get for a GameEdition license, to satisfy a whole community. Everything discussed here and elsewhere is already available by the community-experts for small potatoes.

We are beta testing the main product (Corona), don't make us beta-testing a website + forum too. Show some mercy...

And for the name of God (or whatever), plz implement a f* Recent Posts section. Everybody asks for it!



Some of this stuff is a little more work in progress than we would like, but we are taking suggestions and trying to make improvements when/where we can.

I take it you're in the "use a third party forum" camp. Would you still be if we couldn't migrate our old data?

I've been messing with a recent posts type of thing, but am not sure where to put it yet.

LOL, Magenda starts to sound like I did a few months ago.

@Sean, that is a good start. Maybe divide this list by the forum sections and then you have a winner. Maybe add the user name to it too.
For the position of the link... A "Recent posts" link between the "My account" and "Issues" link would do it for me.


Yes, I would seriously consider a mature and successful third-party script as Vbulletin, Invision Board or even PHPbb. And, again, yes I would consider it even though there would be a migration problem to cope with. Unity3d (thousands of members) has done this the previous month too!

There is nothing digital that can't be migrated! You would normally give some days to write a wrapper for the forum and code exchange posts. Luckily, there are no attachments, no signatures, no avatars, no smilies... its all about text and some html tags (that normally will work in vbulletin without any intervention). Overall, I think it will be a very easy migration, and the guys at VBulletin are very helpful if you need them!

It is also easy to fit such scripts in your needs. They all come with a bunch of features that you can select from and deactivate all the rest. Moreover, you can extend a forum script and make miracles for your site with a bit of php code. For example take a look of a front page that retrieves almost everything from VB and an inner page with the most convenient way to promote community activity, I have ever seen (even though the forum is minimalistic in other features). Imagine something like this here!

Regarding the Recent Posts, it is fine! Give it to the masses...
Some improvement suggestions:

1)Add the username of the last poster, instead the author.
2)Add the subforum in which the post has been added (with a smaller font)
3)Don't separate the posts depending on sub-forum. This "recent posts" section is supposed to be a consolidator of what is going on in the *whole* forum.
4)Retrieve recent messages not only from "Corona" category but also from the "General". Everything there is very related to Corona!
5)Place the link for Recent Posts where Mike says, or even better at that exact height but alone in the left side of screen.


ARGGHH it happend again. Got logged out during post and going back showed me the topic list of that sub forum. So my answer was lost...AGAIN! IE7 here.

Anyway, I will stay away now from posting till you get this fixed. :-(

Michael Hartlef

It's not nearly as bad as a couple months ago but it still happens to me occasionaly:

type type type




Right Click->Select All->Copy

Try doing that when you write books on forums. Even the best forum software will crash.

I should totally get in that habit.

That is the only way to survive on this forum. :-)

I also copy my text before posting (in all kinds of forums).
Cmd+a and then Cmd+c

I do that every time, too -- except when I forget. Which just happened and I lost a comprehensive reply to someone's post.

I went in to the sub-forum, clicked the thread, and read the message. I was logged in for those two mouse-clicks. Otherwise I wouldn't have been given a field that allowed me to reply.

So frustrating. If the forum would spit back the text of what I'm not "allowed" to post at LEAST I could grab it and then log in again.


How often are you guys seen this?

We just did a massive upgrade to our infrastructure to resolve issues like this...

Please let me know if you can if this is repeating.

The server upgrade happened last week.


Depends on if you are lucky or not. The problem is that the forum logs you out after... i think 24 hrs...! In over places you can choose to be logged in forever, at least till you delete the cookies from the browser cache. Here not. Another best practise is to logout and login before you want to reply the very first time of a day.

As a workaround you can use a cookie manager (I use 'edit this cookie' for chrome)
and set the expiration date of the corona session cookie to forever (or one year or whatever) yourself.
Woks for me like a charm.. Didn't have to login since 2 weeks now ;)

(of course the best option would be if would just set the expiration date higher..)

hope that helps

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