Flurry AppCircle SDK Integration

Since Corona already has some Flurry support, let's add AppCircle publisher support.

what is flurry?

Analytics. Supported in the new build. AppCircle offers cost-per-action advertising and network ad publishing for revenue/reduced promotion costs.

See Flurry.com and the recent API additions.

I just wanted to bump this post. We have some Flurry support. Let's continue the trend with support for Flurry's AppCircle. That's the revenue generating part of the service, which is at least as important if not more so than the analytics.


Was just reading this. I am somewhat confused on AppCircle. Can anyone explain this in normal terms? How does it differ from iAd or AdMob?

It's a pay-per-install program. For every person who installs your (usually free) app, you pay like $1 to $4. You can also participate as a publisher, providing ads that users click on to install other people's (usually free) apps and collect a % commission.

I would like to add my 2 cents. I would like this as well.

views:3340 update:2011/9/17 18:17:57
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