Use github for open-source projects?

There's been a lot of open-source code contributed over the last few months. There's the Director class, and more recently the complete Ghosts vs. Monsters game. I'm pretty sure more will be coming.

I'm wondering why we're not using github ( to host the code. It's a lot easier to submit and manage improvements if the project is on github. For example, if I see just three lines of code that can be improved on a project, I'd have to either (a) contact the original author and submit my patch, or (b) host my own updated code. Sounds too much for just a three-line improvement. Most will probably just post in the forum instead of doing either (a) or (b).

With github, I can fork the project, upload my patch there, and submit a pull request to the original author. The github pull request will make merging my patch easier for the original author. And, in case the original author is on vacation, my patch is already published, and others can already base their work from it.

Is there a specific reason why we're not actively using github, or it's simply because so far the community is largely unaware of github awesomeness?

I'm a huge fan of github and git in general. I'd be happy to join you there!

Also, have you heard of It's a terrific designer/developer community with very few Lua developers that I've been able to find. It's really great for sharing small bits of code and getting feedback very easily. Let me know if you want an invite!


I'd like an invite to

@tokyodan on Twitter

Invite sent.

I have 3 left this month for whoever wants them


@AdamBuchweitz on twitter

Oh s***t. I looked in my email and didn't see the invite then I see that I messed up my email address. It should be tokyodan1 [at]

AdamBucketz, I'm in. Thanks It looks really cool.

I edited a certain word :-)

cough cough cough


views:1691 update:2011/9/21 13:23:32
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