Zombies Ala Mode - Available Now

Zombies Ala Mode for Iphone and Ipod Touch went live today and we owe so much to Corona.

Itunes App Store


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Nice.... I enjoyed it so much i had to cross the street to get ice cream !

Hah xcellent game play


It looks fantastic! I really dig your art style.

Thanks we are very blessed to have our artist.

Is this game build with Corona or Unity ?

I'm confused here, i thought this forum is for game build with Corona only.

To answer your question, the current version in the app store is Corona. We originally built the game using Unity3d and Sprite Manager, but we were not happy with the performance and workflow with our team. Once Corona Game Edition came out of beta we rebuilt the game in a week. We were also able to add some extra polish with the new Corona version that we were not able get in the unity version.

That's very interesting. Can you expand a little more on what you didn't like about Unity? I considered going that route, but decided to go with Corona because Unity didn't seem all that suited for 2D development, however I'd love to know what someone that actually made a game and then switched to Corona thinks.

Let me first say that I'm still a big fan of Unity3d. If someone is thinking about making a 3d game, unity3d is the hands down winner. We published our first game, Knife Toss, using Unity3d and thought that making our second game in it was the best option, since we had experience using it and the ability to do cross platform publishing. We looked at a lot of 2d frameworks like Cocos2d, etc...but we wanted a cross platform solution. We found that using a 3d engine to fake a 2d game to be a lot of hassle. There were all kinds of little rendering issues and annoying little things like relinking textures in Sprite Manager. There are some studios that have done it very successfully....the Zombieville guys as example, but it just wasn't working for us.

Our team comes from the web world and we have a lot of experience with Flash/AS3. We looked real hard at using Flash and packaging it for iphone and android, however, Corona offers 10x performance over the current version of Flash Packager, so it was the clear choice. Lua was easy to pick up with our AS3 experience and we love that there is a Textmate Bundle for it. This enabled us to split up the coding of the game among a few of us and rebuild the game in one intense week.

I love the art:)

Thanks for the thorough reply on Unity 3D. I want to pick your brain again (no, I'm not a zombie, really).

I noticed you used Appency. I've been considering going that route and would love to hear your oppinion of their services. What they offered, how much it cost and the results, would be absolutely great. I feel I need all the help I can get marketing my game, but I don't wanna waste money in innefectual stuff either.

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Appency has been great so far. Since its so early, in terms of sales, for this game I can't give any hard numbers. But, I handled all the PR and marketing for our first game and I was really time intensive. If you're strapped for cash, bootlegging it in the forums and submitting your app for review can be done....just takes a while.

views:1440 update:2011/9/24 8:48:32
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