Gallery Southwest


I just released my first Corona app, called Gallery Southwest.
It is a gallery of photography from Paul Wilson, a friend of mine, as well as an OUTSTANDING photographer.

Here is a link to the app on our website for more information:

And here is a direct link to the app on the iTunes store:

Just to avoid any confusion, I should mention that the game on our website, Space Challenge, Apollo Lunar Mission, is NOT a corona app.
Of course feel free to look at that one as well if it catches your interest.

Any feedback is also appreciated.
Thanks in advance for trying Gallery Southwest

Best Regards,

Hi Dave,

Paul takes some beautiful photos.

Is there any chance you would be willing to share the Lua source for the app, or at least the gallery portion? I am curious about the implementation as I will be building a gallery as one feature of a new trading card application.

Thanks either way for your time.

Hi Live to Collect,

Thanks, I agree, hence why I did this app for him, to get him some well deserved exposure.
I will be sure to pass the complement along to him.

About the source, let me go through and extract something which won't make you bend your brain to far around my spaghetti :)
Every screen shares several functions, for things such as transitions, cleaning up after transitions, etc.

Also, I should comment a bit more before I show anything, I tend to write with few traditional comments, relying more on meaningful naming of variables and functions. This works well for me, but perhaps not so well for someone else who wants to read my code.

Is there anything specific you are looking for help with?
Perhaps you can help me narrow down what exactly to target for extraction for you.


Hi Dave,

You're very kind, thank you!

Your code sounds like my kind of code, actually! The bits I am most interested involve any loading and navigation of the images. I am going to be using 500+ in our gallery.

As an example of a questions I have, did you create a table of all of the image filenames and then step through the keys, or did you number the images sequentially and step through them that way?

Perhaps another would be, are you creating the thumbnails page dynamically?

Thanks again!

Hi Dave,

Just checking in. I would be happy to shoot you a few bucks for your time preparing the source if you want?


Hi LiveToCollect,

Payment is not necessary, although I wouldn't fight too hard if you insist. :)
Seriously though, not necessary, but I appreciate the offer.

Anyway, I have not forgotten you, just been busy with day work, but I will make a point of getting the source ready for you ASAP.

BTW, I looked on this board for a PM system, but did not see one (unless I am missing it somewhere).
Do you have another way for me to contact you?


Hi Dave!

Thanks very much. I completely understand how being busy goes. I appreciate your time.
I don't see a PM system either. Please drop me a line at at your convenience.

Thanks again!

Hi aonyn,

For curiosity and testing purpose, I'm trying to make a galery with Corona. Unfortunately, when I build the "true" app, the phone crashes... I only have 20 images, I don't really understand

So, would it be possible to have a look at your lua code (if it's still possible for you) ? I know you already answered but I can pay you a little something for thanking you.

Thanks in advance for your answer.
My email is

See ya !

Hi tooonyo,

I will contact you soon.

@ LiveToCollect,

I hope the code I sent you has been helpful.


Thank you Aonyn, I'm waiting for you

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