Porting code from Windows to Mac for iOS Support... Need Advice!

I am considering using Corona to develop an iPad game, and I was wondering if anyone had any experience with developing a Corona project on both Windows and Mac simultaneously.

I am working with a group of people, some of whom do not have Macs, so the big question is this: if I were to program a project on Windows, then commit it to a repository and check it out on a Mac, would the code automatically (or through very simple changes) work in the iPad simulator on said Mac?

Also, does Corona for Windows have a simulator that is similar to an iPad simulation (1024x768 resolution)? This would be necessary in order for our non-mac users to be able to test their code.

Thank you very much for any help/advice!

I code on a windows machine and commit it to version control which i use to build my ios stuff on a mac machine

Nothing needs to be done to the code on my projects, i just get the latest revision, open the simulator, build it and copy it to the ipod/ipad for testing

Any issues I've had developing for both have been catering for different screen sizes etc which is why although I primarily develop on windows I'll still put it physically onto an ios device once a week just to make sure everything's still ok

But in answer more specifically to your question: yes. the same code you make on windows will work straight away on the mac, you don't have to do any file conversions or dos2unix etc so long as you haven't used ms word or something as your lua editor ;P

DANGIT, I was indeed planning to use Microsoft Word for code editing :(

Haha thank you very much for your feedback!

I've deleted the second thread you made about this. Read the forum rules before posting again to avoid getting into any trouble, please.

Corona on Windows does have an iPad simulator as of, I believe, version .591 - is that what you're running?

If you want advice on a nice editor, Sublime Text is for Windows AND Mac :)



PS - You may want to change the color scheme, not everyone likes light text on dark backing ;)

Thank you! I actually created the other thread first, but quickly realized that forum wasn't visited very often. Sorry :S

One thing I've notice is that mac seems less forgiving of strings and numbers. A value passed from xml on windows was able to be used for calculations directly however I need to use tonumber on a mac, or it treated it as a string.

That's about the only difference I've noticed...

Hm... interesting. Thank you for the heads up

I do this all the time, and it works great. Just be careful with the case sensitivity of your file names on the Mac. My mac is using a HFS+ file system, which is a a case preserving, case insensitive filesystem.

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