Rss reader and Apple Rules


I'd like to make an rss reader (just for one blog i created) but i'm not sure corona app that read external data is allowed on apple store ,due to the apple restriction for application developped with third tools.

Did someone allready published something that grab data , or show data from a server with corona ?


My app ErrorGoblin - - pulls down data from my server using Json.lua locally and a PHP page remotely and Apple didn't mind that.

Ok Thank you for respons .. So i will try to build my app with corona rather Xcode :-)

I would certainly recommend it :-)

I am looking for an implementation of a rss reader with Corona. I tried the sample code In the "Code Exchange" section but with no success. Any one can share a working piece of code or project?

A basic version (being able to actually download an XML feed and parse it) wouldn't be too tricky, if I get some spare time tomorrow I will try to knock one up for you.

is it tomorrow yet? :)

views:1470 update:2011/9/27 18:14:54
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