collectgarbage("count") return value

While running my app using Instruments my "Low Memory" warning popped up late in the run.

According to my logs I was using: 12122112 in texture memory. I believe that value is in bytes, so, that's 12mb, which doesn't seem like much.

The garbagecollect("count") returned a value of 223.310546875. According to a Lua reference that is supposedly in KBytes. So I'm still under 13mb if that's the case.

Instruments was reporting 7.05mb allocated.

My program had leaked about 9K of memory over a 16 minute run (which a normal user isn't likely

So can someone/anyone confirm just what collectgarbage() returns? If its 223Mbytes then I have a problem, but nothing indicates that be the case.

If my memory values are right, then why on my iPhone 4 am I getting a memory warning with such a low amount of memory used?


views:1999 update:2011/10/2 9:44:12
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