Choppy loops using .mp3?

Is there any way to not have choppy loops when using mp3? Right now I'm forced to use .wav format for non-choppy loops and they take up too much space. I've only got 4 sound files, together these 4 take up 7mb of space

Thanks in advance,

The mp3 format itself inserts a pause at the end as part of it's compression. There are a number of ways people work around this but the simplest is simply to quickly fade out the sound at the end; a half second of fade is usually better than abruptly cutting off. Done correctly, it's hardly noticeable when the music fades out and starts up again.

I'm trying the fade in/out technique atm but it doesn't sound good at all in my music. My song got a lot of percussion that has to run continuously.. Any other solution I could try without pausing the music somehow?

Thanks for the link!

views:1556 update:2011/10/2 9:44:12
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