How to make the Statusbar disappear?


Im playing around with Lua and Corona. I have programmed it so that it shows a simple background picture:

-- Background intro splash screen
local halfW = display.stageWidth / 2
local halfH = display.stageHeight / 2

local backgroundPortrait = display.newImage( "noorbackgroundIPhone.jpg", 0, 0 )
local background = backgroundPortrait

But the problem is that the Iphone status bar shadows over the app. I want to remove it and I have tried learning from the Status bar sample and added this to the code:

--Hide status bar
local modes = {
local modeNames = {

But the status bar is still there when I run the simulator. Help anyone?

Toofan try calling

display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar )


Thank you!

Me and my friend who is studying medicine are planning on making some medical applications for the Iphone, we decided to use Corona. Il probably come back here and ask for more as I try to learn Lua.Still working on losing my flash frame mindset :)

Yeah... this is still broken.
I'm seeing this too.
Is it possible if you have a lot of globals which causes the launch time to increase, then it will cause issues hiding the status bar on launch?

views:1585 update:2011/10/5 8:48:05
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