Display your app on About.com

Hi. I'm the guide to the iPad at About.com, and I wanted to let all of the Corona users know that I've set up a section where you can display your apps. As many of you are no doubt aware, being displayed on websites is a great way to build the SEO for your app's iTunes page.

Display Your App form

Also, I've set up a field for bragging on your development platform of choice, so don't forget to give kudos to Corona.


Sounds great ! Welcome Dan and thanks for thinking about our developers apps to be included in About.com


Hi everyone. Seems to be a good representation of Corona developers filling out the form. Always good to show some love for Corona.

Just wanted to make sure everyone knows to check out your entry page once you get the email that the entry was approved and -- most importantly -- make sure that link works going back to your iTunes page.

I have to manually convert the http address to a link when I approve the app, so it's always good to double check. If you spot any problems with the link, just email me at ipad.guide@about.com.

Is there anything similar for iPhone app?

Hey guys, I had to make one big change to the display:

I can no longer accept apps whose description is exactly the same as the description on the iTunes store. Google made a change to their algorithm that punishes duplicate content on the web, so I have to make sure I steer clear of duplicating what is on the iTunes store.

I wish I didn't have to put this restriction, but I have to steer clear of getting Google angry at me. Everyone who already has an app displayed doesn't have to worry because I'll keep those up.

You don't need the same detail on the showcase as you might have in the App Store. Just write a sentence or two as if you were describing your app to a friend. That should be enough to make it unique and tell any visitors what it is about.

Remember, your app links to the app store, so anyone interested can read more. And the #1 benefit for listing on the showcase is to get the link to your iTunes page -- that's what will drive the most traffic -- getting your iTunes page a little higher in the rankings.

Andrea, I don't know of anything similar for iPhone apps on About.com. Sorry.

views:1434 update:2011/10/6 9:28:12
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