Has anyone tested there apps on android 3.0 Honeycomb?

I was just wondering how corona apps work on android 3.0 Honeycomb

I have. so far so good.

They run great, if you setup your app for multiple dimensions. Even if you just use config.lua "zoomEven" they look great.

does anyone know how to remove the bottom taskbar? yes this will mean you cannot go back to home but this is what I want as the app I am designing is used to help train autistic children and we do not want them inadvertently going back to the home screen.

I'm not positive but I dont think you can remove it. Android in general does not let you override or hide the home button.

I believe there are some workarounds in android(as far as overriding the home button) but again that is kind of a hack.

views:1418 update:2011/10/8 8:54:25
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