Incorrect time and/or date

I get the error:

Your computer's clock has the incorrect date and/or time. Please update with the correct time and try again.

but my time is correct and up to date...

any suggestions?

When do you get this error? When you launch the simulator?


It gives me that error when I try to login with myaccount information

Is this on Windows or Mac?


It's windows 7 64 bit

Core i5
4 gb RAM
ATI 3850 graphics

Any insight as to how to get past this message?

After talking to some engineers at the office, if your local time is set correctly, but your timezone is set to something other than your actual timezone, then it could produce this error. Can you double-check that your timezone is also set to the expected region?

If you have an option to set to your time automatically, make sure it's not disabled.

The only way to really diagnose what's going on would be analyze the network traffic between your system and our servers, using MS Network Monitor, or something similar (


Thanks for the response Tim.

I managed to get it to sign in correctly, although I'm sure exactly what changed to make it work. I resynched my time with the internet time and changed my timezone to what it already was. I also downloaded the MS Network Monitor but didn't know how to use it and don't think I did anything with it haha

But after that I was able to sign in properly.

Thanks for all the help, resetting some of those options must have helped. Now time to play with the simulator on my personal computer!


I got the same problem but I can't fix it. What's wrong?
Using Windows

It encountered the same issue but was able to resolve it by disabling daylight savings in windows. This set my clock back by an hour but I can login ok now.

I am having this problem on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. i tried changing the time zone and daylight savings and no joy for me. Is there a fix yet?

I am bumping this. Still no luck here. Devs, any ideas? Tired of lugging my 17" MacBook Pro to work :)

I had the same problem. I messed with moving my time forward and backwards by 1 hour (it's some sort of daylight savings time based error).

Finally got it to work thanks to this thread.

+1 for the daylight savings time bug. I went into the date/time control panel, un-checked "Automatically adjust clock for Daylight Savings Time" (which set my clock BACK an hour), then set manually set the time forward an hour. After that I was able to log-in.

Not a huge deal until this fall when I have to manually set my clock BACK an hour because of Corona...hopefully you guys have a fix by then ;)

Oh, I'm on Windows 7 x64.

I'm on Windows 7 x64 as well and cannot log in due to the "incorrect time" bug. I had to do the same thing as stuntmanmikey- turn off DST, then set the clock forward.

Same problem , win7 x64

Same problem, same system Win7 x64. I was wondering why so much mess to install Corona, first you have to "register" through a different accout for each computer, I don't know what was the idea behind this but the only effect it produces is of people having 2 or fake 3 accounts that only serve once in a lifetime (to validate corona email), second, when I log in a username and password (which leads to this bug)... WHY?!?!?!?! Isn't that enough that if you want to give free access to a tool you just let people download and install it as they please with a simple register, why the passwords? Why the need of 1 download per (fake) email? Why all this mess that just puts us all down and makes us want to drop the tool from start. Corona already charges for commercial use, which is allright, but why all this mess for free users?!?!!?

has anyone found a fix for this?

Ok I found a fix that worked for me. Win 7 64bit

I was my internet time not my local computer time

Hi Tim,

I'm experiencing the same issue and I have a capture file for you from MS Network Monitor:

Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help, or if you discover a workaround I can try.

I'm really excited to try out your software!


Please see more information on this problem and a potential workaround here:

Hi ,

Reducing a hour(Daylight saving) will surely remove your problem.

Thank you.

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