iPad 2 support?

I can't seem to find any information about this, and my gut instinct is that Corona does indeed support the iPad 2 (although I may have some graphics/scaling issues?).. Does anybody know? Do Corona apps work on the iPad 2 ? I can't seem to find any details about this anywhere, anybody have an ipad2 and tested things out?


I dont have one yet but Corona apps should run on the iPad 2 the same as they do on the iPad, it is the same resolution so their should be no scaling issues :)

We just got one in the office. We haven't performed an entire test sweep on it, but with the spot checks we've done, everything works. Performance is terrific on it too.

Incidentally, the big giant daily build merge in 341 introduced explicit support for iOS 4.3.

Thanks guys, that's terrific news :)

tangent: your username is tops

I can confirm my game developed with Corona works absolutely fine on the iPad 2 and it looks rather nice too:)

views:1448 update:2011/10/10 21:27:38
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