Touch movement and collision

Hi guys
can you help me to solve the following problem for my first puzzle game?
in the scene there are actors of various shapes and all stuck together, like tetris (square, rectangle, L shape etc ), all of them can move into the scene dragging them with the finger (touch movement).

I would like that when an actor touch another one, the movement directed to the collision is disabled, and left free in other directions.
I would like that the actors can fit together and that the movement is only allowed to the free of obstacles directions.

Thank you very much for your help

(Sorry for my english!)

You would give your objects custom shapes when defining their physical properties.

Once a block is in it's final position you'd change it to "static", this would mean if you had another block pressing against it, it could not move that way.

Does that make sense?

Peach :)

views:1510 update:2011/10/10 21:27:38
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