Where to store images?

My app has a number of images, each of them only small but could be quite a lot in future.

Is it best to store the images as a blob in a db (makes it easy to sync databases with my master one which is web based)

Or is it best to put them in the filesystem??



There wont be a problem keeping them in your filesystem unless you have a HUGE number or a bunch of very, very large images.

Also if your using a LOT of small images, if possible convert them into a sprite sheet. You will use less texture memory that way and also reduce the overall filesize of your app a lot. :)

Hi, i'm a bit confuse about this topic.

How do you organize your images, they are all in the root (in the same folder as main.lua) or do you have a folder "images" with images inside?

And if is you use a folder for images, how do you call them ( in programming way) ?

Thank you very much,
David Silva

My main concern is whether to store the images in a blob in the database or in the file system (yes in an images folder).

It comes down to whether users will want to store things on the sdcard rather than the internal memory. I think file system is probably the best way, but dont know whether the sdcard thing can be done on android?

views:1496 update:2011/10/11 15:24:38
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