Can a complete noobie learn LUA ( honestly )

Hey Im new to Corona. Ive done some coding in the past, a long time ago. I was 10 or 11. I made a pretty decent game with RPGToolKit. Again this was a while back ( Im 23 now ) I still remember the joy of showing off my game and the great satisfaction that came with it ! Well on to the question. Can I learn LUA. Again I have forgotten all about coding and all that and LUA seems a bit tough from just looking at it. But is there hope for me ? Honestly is there ? thanks for you responds !


Hey guy,

I am so noobie as you are right now seriously.
BUT I can tell you YES, it is possible to learn. Sure we are not going to be a "guru" in the short time but definitively possible if keeping on it by along the way. Trust yourself. Youre very young yet... ;)

Take it easy! :)
Good Lucky and Welcome to the Team!


I think you can, honestly.

Learning the language is easy once you actually start writing code.

My advice is: Take a quick look at the Docs, API and the examples to get a rough idea of what can be done and how, then start coding as soon as possible what you have in mind (you can try corona for free)... problems will arise but when you get stuck you can always come and ask questions in this forums. There is a lot of people with experience willing to help.

Raúl Beltrán
MIU Games

Thx guys, and it makes sense that it'll start becoming easier once i actually START WRITING CODE. well lets see what happens. Im gonna download corona and go from there. thx again


when i first downloaded corona three months ago i had no idea what to do and what coding even means
i'm lazy and even i can now write my own game exactly as i need it to be after all this time

so i really think anyone can learn writing games with corona, you just need a time and a little determination)

It is totally possible to learn Lua/Corona starting as a newbie. Making games/apps isn't just about the programming language though. Creating graphics and music and all the other assets is a learning curve too.

It's great fun though, don't be put off, keep everything simple to begin with and it'll get much easier, really quickly.

The community is really helpful and always on hand to help, so don't be afraid to ask any questions!

It is totally possible to learn Lua/Corona starting as a newbie. Making games/apps isn't just about the programming language though. Creating graphics and music and all the other assets is a learning curve too.

It's great fun though, don't be put off, keep everything simple to begin with and it'll get much easier, really quickly.

The community is really helpful and always on hand to help, so don't be afraid to ask any questions!

Not coming from much of a programming background myself I would say that the combination of LUA/Corona is a great language to get started with for several reasons:

1. The syntax is straightforward, streamlined, and relatively easy to read once you start to get the hang of it. In contrast, looking at samples of Objective C makes my head spin.

2. You can get a simple app working on a real device with very few lines of code and little effort once you have your development environment set up correctly. The satisfaction derived from small victories like that will help keep you motivated as you to dig deeper into the language.

3. Using the Corona simulator you don't have to sit around waiting for things to compile or build after every minor code tweak. That fast turnaround/feedback frees you up to experiment with existing code (a great way to learn) and will be a huge benefit when you start prototyping your own apps.

You can be successful learning LUA if you set reasonable, bite-sized goals (don't start out trying to make an Angry Birds killer). But most importantly, you'll also need to have the will, discipline, and time it takes to learn a new subject.

Your question "is there hope for me?" is an odd one to ask the forum since only you can answer that. If you're not sure, maybe give yourself a simple goal with a deadline, like "in one week (or less) have one of the Corona examples running on my phone." After the week is up see how far along you are. (Hint: If you haven't turned on your computer the whole week then there's probably no hope for you ;)

Good luck!

Haha. Very true. I am highly motivated tho so I guess there is hope for me. As in graphic wise, I have a friend that is great in that department and also my 18 year old brother is a music producer. So of course they left the task of learning LUA up to me ;-) well challenge accepted. Thx alot for the words of encouragement !! It is greatly appreciated !!

Absolutely Posible! , my coding background is Basic, QBasic, Pascal and all those ancient languages ;) ... and now I'm already selling an App on itunes and I'm working on other projects thanks to Corona. I'd recommend you to take a look at the examples and study de API. Good Luck!

I cannot honestly compare Lua to other programming languages (because I don't know much about them), but I find Lua (and using Corona SDK framework) an amazing language/tool to learn and create mobile games with. It's a very empowering language (and the Corona SDK an awesome framework) for newbie like me. As long as you are diligent, persistent and willing to work at it, I'm sure you'll get your project off the ground at more than satisfactory speed.

i have never developed a game before, now i have one game for ipad and iphone on itune, all because lua is easy to learn and Corona sdk is a great platform for ios and android development.
there are many very good exmples on anscamobile web site, just download corona sdk ,it is free for trial, and go throgh some of thoese examples, then you will have a good sense how great corona sdk is. i think corona sdk is good for very one who want to do something of ios and android development

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