iPod Touch 2g audio performance is pretty terrible

I was trying to find some sort of list of supported devices for Corona SDK to see if the iPod 2G is even officially supported because I have really bad audio problems with my background music. It will play fine for about 30 seconds, then start stuttering.

backgroundMusic = audio.loadStream(backgroundMusicFile)
        if (audio.isChannelPlaying( 1 ) == false) then
                audio.play( backgroundMusic, { channel=1, loops=-1, fadein=2000 }  )

It's not expected. I just tested on an original iPhone (2G) with 3.1.2. The test you describe performs fine on it (build 639). However, you should re-read:
which contains information about performance tuning.

A few quickies: use lower sampling rates and maybe use aac/.mp4 as your encoding/file format to utilize the hardware decoder. Or try IMA4 or WAV if that doesn't work.

Also be aware that the screen lock/sleep stops the music on iOS by default (which might be connected to the 30 second thing you mentioned). But when you unlock the screen, the music should resume where it left off.

views:1646 update:2011/10/19 14:58:09
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