trying to develop a game

As I am new to corona I just wanted to develop a small game which shall contain the following.
But i don't know how to start with.Can anybody help me?
i just want to have 5 images to be displayed in sequential manner and then shuffle it.after shuffling it i want to tap two image to swap each other and then rearrange it sequentially.Is this possible to do so?

This will probably get moved to the new users forum. Nothing you described looks too hard to do and Corona SDK is more than capable of doing it.

could you provide me the code so that it could help me out a bit or is it available anywhere on the net..thank you in advance if you can do so..

you may find some code in the code exchange or try to code yourself then when something not working right post your code and ask for help on that part but it sounds like you need to learn some basics first check out YouTube,,&

In addition to the above resources:

Corona provides quite a few sample applications that you can pick bits and pieces from.

Also check out

There are plenty of tutorials and such to learn from and that site even sells some starter projects that might get you going.

It's important to understand that the forums are a great place to ask questions and learn from. But we all have our own projects we are working on and in many cases, full time jobs to go with them, so writing your code for you is asking a lot.

ok that sounds great..I will try it out and see if i can do that..

As Rob suggested, moved to New Users. (Features and Roadmap is not where this should go.)

Please see the forum guidelines here;

Peach :)

I had no programming experience and used all resources I could to learn what I could to accomplish what I needed to accomplish and I am now close to finishing my first game!!.. It takes time but its well worth it!!


views:1626 update:2011/10/26 9:29:31
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