Memory issues

Hi guys, i'm currently building an education app for young kids and have run into an issue with memory, at least I think thats what it is.
I have a menu screen on startup, with 6 options. My first buttons brings you to a section with flashcards. These flashcards are based on the alphabet and use a sliding function to scroll through them. Each card has a number of areas where a user can touch to hear a sound. At the moment its taking between 5 and 7 seconds to load the flashcard scene using director. Is there a way to pre-load the sounds(mp3s) and background images for each slide(26 jpgs) in the main.lua file or someplace else to cut down on loading times between scenes?
I have a LOT of functions in my flashcard.lua file for triggering sounds when areas of the display are tapped.

My sounds also won't trigger when testing on ipad but will trigger on iphone.

Any thoughts?


views:1340 update:2011/11/3 16:17:22
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