Three Level drilldown view

Hello Guys,

I am trying to create an app with three levels drilldown view. I have designed a wireframe showing what my app would look like using corona but as a newbie I am not able to program it myself.
If there is an example app out there demonstrating this then please send me a link to the sample code.

Thank you.

what is a drilldown view? never heard of it...

A drill down is where you see rows in a table and you can select one row which then takes you to a new page containing further information from the row you just selected

Hi Euro,
I don't have ready code for you but can give you few pointers to help you create this on ur own.
1. Download and learn about Director class from here -

2. Create 3 files Level1.lua, Level2.lua, Level3.lua

3. Put the table list in level1.lua. Add a event listener on the list and use director class to navigate to Level2.lua

4. Add a event on level2.lua and call level3 using director class.

Hope these pointers help you get going with your coding.. Post your experience here and we all will help you out.


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