addd event listener to nothing

Is there a way to cause a function to happen when you tap the screen, not any particular object? I realize I can do a runtime, but then if I move it does the function for each frame.

Much appreciated,

You could add an event listener to the background?

Runtime:addEventListener( "touch", otherTouch )

This will cause the function otherTouch() to get called whenever you tap the screen if no other object intercepts the event.

I learned this from one of the multitouch example included with the coronaSDK.

When you're finished with the event, don't forget to call Runtime:removeEventListener( "touch", otherTouch ) because unlike touch events that are added to specific objects, Runtime event listeners never get automatically removed.

You could also add a "tap" listener to your background image - not suitable if you have objects on top returning true but otherwise a reasonable solution :)


views:1455 update:2011/11/10 9:30:09
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