Remove item from Launchpad analytics?


Is there a way to remove a listing from the launchpad analytics - I've got a few ghost items in there where I've compiled test apps that never have seen the light of day and never will. I'd like to de-clutter the analytics area...



I have the exact same issue as you have, Mal. I have eight ghost items there (yikes!) They got there when I was learning and testing the process, and if I haven't learned to add launchPad = false in my config.lua, I might even have more of them clattering up. (There's nothing like learning by actually doing things, though.)

I submitted a support request to Ansca on Oct. 4th, asking how I might remove these clatters, but I haven't heard from anyone. I guess there are higher priority issues that my support request was tabled somewhere. It sure would be nice to be able to clean up my account, though.

When someone at Ansca has time to implement, it would be nice to have a feature added to the account section that empowers us (the account holders) to remove/delete items from our own Analytics.


Hey, Mal, take a look at this post.

From what Carlos says, it sounds like this issue will be taken care of very soon.


8? Pfft. I have hundreds of those suckers ;)

As Carlos said, it's going to get taken care of.

Peach :)

Wow, Peach, hundreds? You must've worked on testing the launchPad Analytics before it was rolled out. Can't possibly be getting them in hundreds otherwise.


views:1653 update:2011/11/10 9:30:09
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