Game center support?

Does corona support Apple's Game Center? If so, is it in the API...I saw Papaya and Open Feint but not Game Center, although I do remember reading that Coro a does support it. If Corona does not support it, will it?


No. Corona does not support Game Center, but both co-founders have promised it is coming and I expect it to be ready soon.

However, there is a way to "link" OpenFeint to GameCenter (see GameNetwork APIs), so that high scores and achievements are passed on. However, this requires you to include OpenFeint with your game and force users to enable it at least locally.

I feel it's important to separate these two points so that Ansca gets the message loud and clear. Otherwise they'll keep jumping in and claiming that the above is "Game Center support".

Oh, and to make it "look" more integrated, you can add a game center button to your game using system.openURL("gamecenter:"), almost forgot to mention that.

As blasterv has said, it's coming.

You can use GameCenter, have achievements and leaderboards, etc - but it must (for now) be done through OpenFeint.

@blasterv - Ansca have the message loud and clear, that's why it's being worked on ;) Hang in there!

Peach :)

Oh you guys...

lol >.<

Thanks guys!!

Peach, do you know if game center support wil include the turn based game play API. I know pub nub is available but with game center the service is free. Thanks

I do not, no. (Not my area.)

However if this is important to you it is worth making a post in the Feature Request sub forum - they may not all get replies but they all get read.

Peach :)

views:1302 update:2011/11/17 9:28:17
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