loadStream Audio problems

I recently had to stop working on my game due to some other client projects and came back, updated to a newer version because I liked some of the possible features and the audio is acting strange.

I searched and is sounds like some people found solutions with the latest builds but I have not (since I'm using the latest as of today) 2011.683.

The game starts up and uses loadStream on an MP3 file. This works. I then load another steam up for character selection and yet another on the map selection. I stop and check for nil and release correctly. Then you pick a level and the audio starts but begins skipping in the iPad simulator (and on the device).

This is frustrating since this just started after upgrading to a newer version. I'm playing with file formats now but it all worked perfectly before, I am having a hard time thinking the audio is having problems.

Also, when I use playSound I have NO problems. I'm currently just moving forward with that while I test with the other files tonight.

So did something change? Can you update me or let me know of anything I need to do differently?

local backChan = audio.findFreeChannel()
local backgroundSound = audio.loadStream("res/dayIslandLevel.mp3")
audio.play( backgroundSound, { channel=backChan, loops=-1, fadein=1000 }  )

Hey there,

Could you please submit a bug report including a sample to replicate the issue?

Peach :)

Same problem over here.
I am using director Ricardo Rauber.

Each scene a voice-over starts to speak. I used to use loadStream, but I had to change it to loadSound instead.

More annoying is the fact that the loadStream functionality stops to work randomly.

The fact that playing mp3 in the simulator is complety inhearable is something I can get over with.

pasztel, are you experiencing the same issues when NOT using director?

I am also using director, but once again it is strange it all changed without me touching my code. I'll try and put something together in order to submit a bug report and test case later on today.


views:2564 update:2011/11/17 9:28:17
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