How many audio streams can I have loaded, but not playing, at once?

I know that there is a 32 channel limit for audio sources that are playing.

However, I want to know if it's safe to have around 100 streams loaded, but not all playing; Essentially have them queued. Only a handful of these streams will be playing at a time based on the player's position on the screen.

It would be convenient to load them all when the app starts, rather than having to manage the loading and unloading.

from what i know, and i could be wrong, but its safe to simultaneously play 32 steams. you can have as many files loaded, but your app should only play 32 or more streams.
to answer your question, and still i could be wrong cuz im still a newbie, but its better to load all your sounds when your application starts up and then call it using ^^

but like i sed i could be wrong hehe :P

The short answer is that it is a bad idea. There are operating system limits of how many files you can have open simultaneously. Also, Apple's implementation of OpenAL has a hard coded limited of the number of OpenAL buffers that can be created. The defaults we have setup in Corona will hit this limit somewhere around 50-70 audio.loadStreams() open at the same time.

The longer is you might be able to do it, but you will need to experiment and test and probably use some 'secret' audio parameters revealed here:

views:1393 update:2011/11/19 17:31:56
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