Looking For A Reliable Coder

I am close to finishing up my game but I am having trouble with loading and saving and setting up variables between menus.
What my game is: A simple game of catching falling objects. When you catch a certain amount of objects you get between 1-3 stars.
What I'm looking for: Someone to set up system to make stars appear on the menu scene when they're in a level and save the data at any point in the game as efficiently as possible for 25 levels. As well as a simple explanation on how it works. Because I'd like to learn how it works.

I'm not going to sign on the line away until I finish up the levels, but that should be relatively soon (college takes up a lot of time :P ). I would like a reasonable price but I'm not a cheapskate, a fair price for reliable work. Please send me a quote at danny.kilkenny@yahoo.com and website or resumé to show some of your past work. Please include a time frame of how long it would take. If you have any questions for me to in order to provide a more accurate quote or any other reason please don't hesitate.

Is your goal to actually sell this game, or is this a college project?

I've done everything on your list before multiple times, but I think it's something that is better learned than paid for.

Oh, sorry I could see how it would look like that. Na, I'm headed for a Mechanical Engineering Program at Akron U in Ohio. Right now I'm just taking some English and Political Science classes at a community college, classes are cheaper there. I'm just trying to make some money to pay for my portion of college. So the goal is to sell the game.

I'll definitely check out this link but I really haven't found a good tutorial to set up a system to make stars appear on the menu scene when they're in a level. I've looked at the Ansca APIs but I can't understand them. Do you, or any one else, know of a good explanation and tutorial of how to do this. I would greatly appreciate it.

views:1500 update:2011/11/19 17:31:56
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