Infinity Connection with the server

They everyone so I wake up today and tried to compile my app to test on my device but I can't

when I tried to build, the building freeze on "connecting with server..."

I'm the only one that have this problem?

I have had The same problem today. Finally I'd reinstalled the simulator and sign up again.


I tried this but still not working =(

None of my builds are working either. Although I'm getting a connection to the server, it's just making builds that don't work.

Getting this at bottom of terminal, not sure if it has always been there.

2011-11-22 14:08:16.688 Validation[495:903] *** Warning: Defaulting to the standard codesign tool

Cell, I know yours are working now from the other thread.

Dhennrich - are you still having issues? If so is the terminal printing anything at all?


Yea I'm still getting this problem with building

and no, terminal don't show anything. the building freeze in "connection with server..."

I have reinstall, I download the daily build too and nothing works =(

Dhennrich, can you build one of the sample apps from the SampleCode folder, or no?

Let me know please :)


I can't build the sample code project too :(

My corona sdk not connect with the server, and now ? :(

peach, I use my older version of corona sdk and build... something is wrong for me on this latest version

Hey Dhennrich,

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you - the time difference can do that to you ;)

When you can't build using a daily build you should always revert and test - daily builds aren't guaranteed to work.

Either way I am relieved you've found the issue. Simply avoid that daily build. (Hopefully the next one will work fine for you.)

Peach :)

don't worrie about delay ^^

yea I got it with an older version and I'm trying to talk with carlos right now to solve this problem

thanks peach

No worries, have posted in your other thread. (I saw you needed Carlos' email.)

dunno if you found a solution but check this thread...

my solution on Mac was this:

> mkdir tmp
> mv ~/library/Preferences/com.ansca* tmp

Good luck! :-)

views:1510 update:2011/11/25 8:45:21
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