Android build has issues with WebPopup and text

I have an app which is working 100% for iOS.
When I build it for Android it has issues.
I'm testing with a Motorola Defy with Android 2.2.2

I have a YouTube video embedded in a page. I can view the YouTube video and play it on the iPhone but if I view the same webpage in a webpopup for Android it's blank. There's an area to click on, but it does nothing. It works properly in the Android browser.

I have a mobile twitter page embedded in a webpopup. It works fine on iOS and desktop browsers, but embedded in a webpopup it shows the Twitter logo and sits there spinning an icon which never loads.
Try using this in a webpopup:!/techwebcast
It works perfectly in the Android Browser.

Even setting the text centrepoint in code, moving text still appears higher in Android than on iOS.

local NewsText = display.newRetinaText("", 0, 0, native.systemFont, 16)
  NewsText:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
views:1391 update:2011/12/1 20:56:45
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