Inneractive Ads - has anyone tried it?

I just noticed that Inneractive Ads is available just like InMobi Ads. I'm not sure when it became available, but I'm wondering if anyone has tried it. How does it compare to InMobi Ads? Also, I'm wondering if it's a good idea to use both -- or should I stick with one or the other?

I've included codes for InMobi Ads to my game a long while back to test it (and commented out while I'm further developing the game), but now I really need to finalize and integrate ads feature fully.

I'd so appreciate hearing about anyone and everyone's experience with Inneractive Ads.


Its currently only open to Pro developers. Us indie folks have to wait.

Hey, Rob, thanks for letting me know. I wonder why it's not open to Indie developers yet.


I have been watching this as well for our app. I decided to go ahead and sacrifice our app and give it a try.

So i just swapped out my inMobi code for the app for the New Inneractive Code. (I literally got signed up for ...15 mins ago)

I built the app again and deployed the update to the store... and it... Works

check it out in this app:

I have had this in the store now for a few days and my fill rate through inmobi (For Android only) has been less then 10%.

I just downloaded the updated version of this app to my Motarola Xoom and am already seeing about a 95% fill rate... within the last 10 mins i have been watching the app.

Time will tell if if hold up this fill rate or if it falls apart. I will keep you posted.

I should note some additional implementation notes i am seeing.

i used their example:

ads.init( "inneractive", "******MY App Code*****" ) "banner", { x=0, y=0, interval=5 } )

Naomi, I suspect it was to limit the number of people starting up right away. There has been so much frustration with inMobi that I think there would be a flood of defectors (well there will be) and I'm certain, they want to make sure everything works before the gates open up.

And team1, I work for an online media company and prior to that I worked for an online gaming company and I can tell you I was shocked by 5, 10, and 15 second ad rotations and the fact that inMobi didn't care.

No advertiser is going to pay to only be on your screen for a few seconds. 30 seconds was the minimum rotation time for fixed page ads for our games and we were highly encouraged to be more like 45 seconds.

5-15 seconds eats through their inventory too fast, one of the reasons I believe that fill rates are way too low.

Hey, @team1, thank you for the info and the update -- and please do update us with how it performs long term. I really appreciate hearing about it.

You noted: And i don't really have control over what Size of the ad i can expect to get... So my app can't really adjust to the right size banner like i had it doing with InMobi ads.

This doesn't sound too good. To me, this would make Inneractive ads only attractive/usable for full screen ads...


Hey, Rob, thank you for sharing your thoughts. About limiting Inneractive Ads to Pro developers only, it does make sense. It also makes sense about 30 seconds or more for ad display duration.


I suspect that since they are not talking about it yet that we will have more control over banner sizes in the future. Just a guess.

I will roll another update and reduce my banner interval to 30 seconds. I need to clean up what I rolled out earlier either way. I just knew I could let us see it in action on a live app quickly. That's one thing I do love about the android market.

And have you seen the number of android tablets out this holiday season.... I am not saying they will catch up to I pads anytime soon. But I do think that the android market will get alot better over the next year.

I don't think it is limited to pro developers as I'm not one and I've got them working. I just signed up directly through the inneractive website and switched one of my smaller apps to inneractive with a recent daily build. So far so good, it's reporting an ecpm 4 times higher than inmobi for the same app, but I'm not reading too much into this yet as that’s based on less than 100 impressions and it's also reporting i've had clicks in territories where I've not had any impressions, so it can't be 100% accurate.

I should have had a payout from Inmobi that I’ve not yet received, so I’m definitely exploring other options. In an ideal world it would be nice to be able to easily switch between networks without rebuilding the app, so what I’m working on is a script that checks a webpage on my website that will then set the ad network to use on an app by app basis. I've installed this on one app, switching between admob/inmobi and it seems to be working, so I think that might be the way to go.

In this thread:

The new Ansca COO David Rangle specifically asked that we use the Corona specific signup link and not go directly to Inneractive.

That signup page is currently locked down to Pro subscribers only. Carlos said this is until they work out the problems.

ohhh, however we can't really be expected to read every forum post. Nevermind I've only done one small app. I'll hold off on the rest until it's official.

Well i am having strange results with inneractive since i turned it on and used it in my app yesterday.

- I was incorrect on interval not working. it was flipping ads every 5 seconds i was just getting the same ad multiple times in a row.

-though i saw ads on my motorola Xoom last night and had the app open several different times last night.. This morning when i check the dashboard. it says i had a total of 4 ad impressions.

-I am only getting small banners on the motorola xoom though i have space to fit 768x90 banners.

-it appears to center the banner i do get on the screen with no code on my end. however the padding to the left and right of the banner end up Black. not transparent.

-not looking at the dashboard statistics, I am seeing about 95% fill rates on the actual device.

-the dashboard display says i should be seeing data for the 6th. but the plotted dots are for the 5th. (yesterday) and the times seem off if they are from yesterday, since i enabled it around 4:30pm est time... don't see how i could get a dot at 8:00am.

Inneractive Dashboard

I know this is still being worked on so this is just... fyi what i am seeing.

Hey, Rob, thank you so much for the link to the thread under What's New. I missed that one, and I realize the reason is because I haven't subscribed to What's New contents. I won't miss anything that show up there now.

Hey, @team1, thank you so much for the detailed report on how it's going. I've posted the link to your post under the announcement thread that Rob provided. I think it might be a good idea to post results there, which I'm sure will help Ansca sort out the final kinks.


We gave this a try today, but since you cannot scale your ads there isn't any way to use a banner ad on different devices without it looking horrible.

Am I missing something? Shouldn't we be able to get this as a display object so we can scale it to fit the space we have set aside for ads in our app?

Hey, Ken, Orly at inneractive is helpful. You might want to contact her about it:

orly [at] inner-active [dot] com


Edit: she has introduced herself here:

Will do. Thanks!


I got a response from Orly on this issue. She said that their SDK does allow resizing of images, but that Corona doesn't yet support that.

For us this means that until Ansca adds support for scaling the ads we cannot use this new feature.

However, Orly did say that they are working with Ansca to solve it, so hopefully we will see this addressed in an upcoming daily build.

Hey, Ken, thank you for sharing what Orly said. That is a good news. I was wondering about it too. I'll definitely keep an eye out for the release notes as new daily builds are made available.

Thanks again!

Ken. Advertising on the Internet is guided by the IAB, the Internet Advertising Bureau. They set the standard ad sizes and as an site (or in our case an app) you do not have the luxury of sizing ads to fit your space. The ad buyers buy specific pixel dimensions and that's the dimension you deliver to your viewers. Mobile might have different rules because screen sizes vary, but . . . if on a website you try to resize someone's 300x250 into a smaller box the advertiser isn't going to be very happy with you.

I'm not familiar with the SDK resizing thing, but from what I can tell, when you add your app to their portal you specify the device, like iPhone or iPad and then you can choose one of three shapes in Corona.

If you say you're an iPad and do a banner, you probably will get a larger file. But if you picked iPhone, you probably going to get the 380x50. Though I did run one of my games with innerative ads in the Xcode simulator and it seemed to scale the ad up in the universal build so it took the same relative space. I'm waiting for a tester with an iPad to get back with me on what she's seeing. The ad on the Xode simulator did not appear to be centered while the iPhone it is.

Edit: A quick update from Orly at inneractive about the banner sizes here:

Hey, Rob, thank you so much for the info. So... does this mean all iPhone banner ads (on portrait, I presume) is fixed at 380 x 50 now?

With the InMobi Ads API, it used to b 320 x 48 (which has, I hear, recently changed to 320x50 -- see

The thing is, I set aside 320 x 48 banner space at the bottom of all my game/level screens after I test-coded the InMobi banner ads to my game pretty early on (before I designed and implemented all 18 levels). It is going to be a real pain to add 2 more pixels (and shift objects) in each screen if I were to use InMobi Ads.

And 380 x 50 won't even fit in iPhone's 320 x 480 screen. (Could it be that 380 was a typo?)


Sorry, meant 320x

I'm testing inneractive banner ads on an Iphone4 and iPad2. This is what I'm seeing using Corona 703:

On the iPhone4 it's difficult to tell for sure if the resolution of the ads are for retina or not, but they *appear* to be the correct retina resolution and are scaled properly to fit the screen.

On iPad2 the ads are stretched horizontally to fit the wider screen width, but *aren't* stretched vertically enough to compensate so the effect is the ads look squashed vertically. Additionally, they are definitely low res ads suitable for iPhone 3, and so look extremely blurry. I tried both iPhone and iPad inneractive app IDs and got the same result, but judging from the ads served it looks like inneractive/Corona "knows" this is an iPad even when I specify an iPhone app ID. I don't understand why they would serve low res ads to a known iPad.

I do change the native width and height in my config.lua file depending on which device the app is running on so perhaps what I'm seeing on the iPad is related to that. It would be useful to have a Corona example app with innerative ads working on all supported platforms to test against. Presumably Ansca uses something like that for internal testing.

Thank you, Rob, for the quick note/update.

Thank you, XenonBL, for sharing your experience. +1 for Ansca to provide us "a Corona example app with inneractive ads working on all supported platforms to test against."


Hey, XenonBl, here's a post about sample inneractive code in the latest build:


Edit: I'm assuming this is available in the latest 704 build. I haven't downloaded it yet though.

Thanks for the heads up re: Ansca's included sample inneractive ad code, Naomi. I tested the sample on my iPhone4 and iPad2 (using my own inneractive app IDs) and got similar results as my previous tests.

The ads looked ok on the iPhone4, although I'm pretty sure they are low res iPhone3 style ads scaled up. The are slightly blurry but not horribly so since the screen is small.

On the iPad2 the ads are still low res versions scaled up, so they look very blurry on the larger screen. They are stretched to fit the full width of the screen but the stretch vertical is not enough to compensate so the ads look noticeably squashed.

I assume, since this is vanilla Ansca code, they have tested and are aware of these issues, especially on the iPad. I hope a fix is in the works, or at least some additional controls on the size and stretch of these ad display objects are made available for us to correct the visual glitches.

Building for the Xcode sim shows the same issues with the inneractive ads. No need to have the actual devices to see the problems. Interestingly, the Corona sim does a much better job duplicating all the other elements of that sample app than the Xcode sim does: The background, buttons, and text are all rendered incorrectly on the Xcode sim when compared to a real iPad device. If only the Corona Sim could similarly show the ads!

Hey, XenonBL, thank you for posting your test result. That's good to know. I forwarded the link to your post to Orly at Innteractive. Maybe she'll get back to us. Let's hope the issue is being worked on.


Well I heard from an iPad tester tonight and she sent me some screen shots.

The iPad ads scale up proportionally. I didn't see any skewing. The one on my iPhone is centering properly using this code:

    local adX = display.contentWidth / 2 - 160

Thank you, Rob, for sharing your experience. I'm still working out other parts of my game, so I haven't reworked the ads related code in my game, and I don't have first hand knowledge of what it looks like. That said, I wonder if it's the difference in the config.lua setup that causes the different results? Dunno.


i have found that Inneractive Ads Crashes on older ios devices

i have a bug report post here:

I just tried to do full screen ads during my loading screens between levels (well failed attempts at beating a level)

Sure enough it showed a full screen ad (well not really, it was just a banner taking up the full screen.....)

But it gave me a skip timer that after a few seconds turned into a skip link. However, it does not work. Tapping the "skip" does nothing.

Also I had set a timer that calls "ads.hide() after 30 seconds (the duration I said the ad would be there for before rotating, and it failed to hide the ad. Meanwhile in the background, my next level started playing (I have it on a timer too that if you don't tap the continue button, it continues for you.

So if I can't get rid of the full screen ad after a certain period of time, I'm not going to be able to use this.

Any inneractive engineers around to answer this? Any Corona SDK engineers around to answer why ad.hide() didn't hide the ad?


Hey, Rob, thank you for the post. I am considering full screen ads between levels, so I'd like to hear how it is intended to work (and whether what you're trying to do is do-able, and if not, what might be the work around).


Hey Guys and XenonBL. Just tested the new inneractive banner and got the same results you have. On iPad we have a squashed banner. Hoping this can be solved asap to build a new version and move from inMobi.

Two of my apps that use ads are now waiting for review at Apple. We will see how this changes things.

After a conversation I had with Orly, you need to have two AppID's. One for the iPhone and one for the iPad, so I added this code to my system to make sure the right AppID gets used with the right device....

local adNetwork = "inneractive"
local appID = "OmnigeekMedia_GameName_iPhone"
local model = system.getInfo("model")
if model == "iPad" or model == "iPad Simulator" then
    appID = "OmnigeekMedia_GameName_iPad"
ads = require "ads"
ads.init( adNetwork, appID )

Thank you, Rob, for the info! I appreciate it!


We considered the Interactive ad network and Orly is most helpful. After a conversation with her I'm afraid based on their payout terms alone (68 days after the end of the month served) which I think could end up being 3 months total after you start your campaigns, you'll get a check.

Most other ad networks (that aren't mediated like Interactive) provide NET30 or even NET15 terms..

That is sort of a deal killer for us at the moment. If they ever change that, we'll consider it more closely.

I've tried both for a month now. So in my own experience: Even tho inneractive has a higher fill rate its pay is lower. Inmobi has a lower fill rate but higher pay. I like that inneractive has a rep here and faster response time, ads also seem less buggy. Inmobi has never shown an ad on any Android device for some reason.

But as of now, pay-wise it looks like things will turn out around the same. I will stick with inneractive now since Corona seems like it will put more support behind it.

Hey guys,

Just wanted to share with you an article by Techcrunch with inneractive's info graphic and insights:

This article is talking about the differences between screen size and its affect on CTR.

Would love to hear comments about it :)

Here are a few interesting tidbits....

First, while not inneractive vs. inmobi related, I submitted 3 of my four apps to the app store after 11pm on Tuesday of this week. All three were reviewed and approved by 7pm yesterday. What a fast, fast turn around for Apple!!!!

So with 2 of the 3 apps that I uploaded, I switched from inMobi to inneractive figuring it couldn't get worse. The 3rd game is the full version of Omniblaster since I want to keep the lite version and full version at the same release point. My other ad driven app, I hope to get out this weekend.

Any way, in 14 hours of the new apps being up, I've made 8% of my total inMobi earnings and I've been with inMobi since Ansca launched them a few months ago (what like August or so?).

That seems impressive, nearly 10% at this pace, I'll do more with inneractive in 10 days than I did with inMobi in over 100 days. But here's an interesting factoid that makes this number even more staggering.... only 3% of my free apps have been updated and have only 15 hours under their belt.

Yea, I'm a little bit excited about this....

And my fill rate...... 100%

I can't get too excited, because these games are aging and people tend to not play older games, so there will be an initial surge, but I'm thinking this may work for other apps and new games going forward.

Quick update....

It's official. It took 3 days of being with inneractive to make what I had done with inMobi in 4 months. I've gotten a fill rate of over 99% since switching.

Now its still not enough money to even count yet. But as my free apps continue to update, there is a glimmer of hope that this ad provider will actually make revenue in future apps.

Unfortunately for me, games have a shelf life for the post part and my current games are not getting the play they did before. But as I move towards new games, I'm hopeful that and ad supported roll will be useful.

Has anyone tested Inneractive on Android? I have tried both the banner and text ads, but I don't get any hint of a banner and with where the text ad would be, I get a solid white line that fades in and out on the intervals. Thanks

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