Which library ui or widget?

I working on some buttons. I notice there are several established methods for this. The widget module or the ui module. Are these related, is one more up to date than the other or preferred over the other?

While I'm on the subject I also noted there was a user submitted advanced ui module. This offered the option to work with sprites as buttons which seems like it might offer a few advantages if you were working with sprites.

Widget is probably the more modern way. There are multiple versions of ui.lua out there so you have to make sure to have the latest version.

While widget is the more modern way, I feel less empowered with it. Mostly due to a lack of familiarity.

I'm new to corona and still sorting through all of it's features. I'm just trying to get an idea of the options available.

UI is what I started with. It was pretty easy to understand. The widget library has many things going on so I would start there.

views:1445 update:2011/12/31 9:35:10
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