(Segmentation Fault) Corona crashing with particle tap


I'm experiencing corona crashing when I tap a particle animation and was wondering if anyone else has experienced the same problem. I don't use any .TapListener, actually there is not a single tap listener in the entire page.

The crash is the dirty kind, simulator window goes numb and windows shows crash report. Can't see any corona error messages on the console before the crash :(
On the Mac, however, I do get the nasty error message! it shows /Applications/CoronaSDK/Corona Terminal: line 9: 305 Segmentation fault: 11 "$path/Corona Simulator.app/Contents/MacOS/Corona Simulator" $*

it's the worst kind of bug: doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes we have trouble replicating it, sometimes it happens over and over...

The effect is quite complex, I unfortunately can't post it here due to product secrecy issues. It involves 11 emitters, 8 images (two images 600x570, one 200x200, one 150x130, one 450x300, one 485x330, one 1x1 (streched to make lines).
Two of the emitters are in a group using a mask, so that may add to the problem.

If someone can help me, I'll send you the code privately, I just don't wanna make it public...

Thank you!

This is the crash report from iPad's organizer:

Dec 23 13:33:32 unknown ReportCrash[1636] : Formulating crash report for process Fadas[1635]
Dec 23 13:33:32 unknown com.apple.launchd[1] : (UIKitApplication:com.storybox.fadas[0x8f7b]) Job appears to have crashed: Segmentation fault: 11
Dec 23 13:33:32 unknown SpringBoard[17] : Application 'Fadas' exited abnormally with signal 11: Segmentation fault: 11
Dec 23 13:33:33 unknown ReportCrash[1636] : Saved crashreport to /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Fadas_2011-12-23-133332_iPad-BoogeyBox.plist using uid: 0 gid: 0, synthetic_euid: 501 egid: 0

the bug also happen more often on the windows simulator than on the mac...

views:1751 update:2012/1/1 13:29:50
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