Street Racers! Released.. A new top view Racing game!

Hey All,

Have just released another app... Street Racers.

It is a top view racing game where you can win money, win cars, loose cars, and buy/sell cars. there are 14 different cars with different speed & handling over 5 tracks with unlockables.

market link:

Currently is only available on the android market. but i am going to upgrade to a pro subscription this weekend, and once i can figure out all the steps to build for IOS (just bought mac, and never used a mac in my life.) i will release it for IPhone and update this post with some promo codes.

In the meantime, Please feel free to download the android version [ and rate it 5 stars of course ;) ]

Thanks again to everyone who contributes to the forums on corona, as it gives invaluable knowledge while creating the app :)

Some screen shots

looks nice and retro, good luck in android market)

views:1979 update:2012/1/13 9:04:04
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