Error on build for iphone

I haven't been able to build for iphone for about two days now.
I get this response in the console window :

An error occurred during build. The server returned the following message:
[Error: (iOS) builds were not available. Version(1354924800)]

is the server down ?

Hey there - what version of Corona are you using? If it is a daily build can you revert to the latest stable (704) and let me know results, please?

Peach :)

Hey Peach!
I replaced my version wich was 722 with 704 and now it seems to work fine again.
What can be causing the problem? I havent about anyone else who has got that error.
I'm deploying on a macbookpro.

I get the same error on the previous version CoronaSDK 2011.712 2011.12.21 as well, and unfortunately thats the build that i need for my app to work. I use the new timeStep function in the physics engine.

console error:

ERROR: An error occurred during build. The server returned the following message:
[Error: (iOS) builds were not available. Version(1354924800)]

views:1409 update:2012/1/13 9:04:04
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