RF signal tracker

hi all.
there is anybody tell me, i need to dev. application like RF signal tracker.
this application will get information about : phone , network information (MCC, MNC, LAC, CELLID, ) etc..

anybody can help me.

thank you.

On the iOS side, I don't believe Apple makes this info available. Have you seen any iOS apps that display this info?

i'm on android, and it's for android :)

Corona won't give you that information. You'll have to use some native code.

Also, not all modems will pass that information across to android. MNC/MCC is needed by android to display the correct carrier etc, but LAC and CELLID aren't needed outside the modem.

If i remember correctly the android debug app/menu displays some of this stuff. You could find the source and see if you can see how its doing it.

views:1924 update:2012/1/15 11:04:51
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