Detect collision with "kinematic" body?

Is it possible to detect a collision with a "kinematic" body type?

I can't get that body type to collide with anything, even when I try using isSensor. I can get everything to work if I use "dynamic" or "static", but no combination works with "kinematic". The problem is it won't detect the collision.

The only way I have it working now is by using "dynamic" body types.

Am I trying to do something that's not possible?

Any help is greatly appreciated,

(I'm using the windows version (march 7 build), which I realize is in beta)

Try dynamic bodies, but making the one you'd like to be kinematic a sensor so that it can go through them, but will still register collision events.

Collisions against a dynamic body work perfectly and that's what i'm using now.

Is it possible to have static bodies to create barriers for the game "world" and have kinematic bodies collide with it?

I have a space shooter game and don't need physics, so I currently have gravity at 0, but my dynamic objects still drift in space on their own.

Exact same problem here. I really hope there is a workaround for this, it seems silly that being kinematic would rule out collisions. Lots of things need to collide and send events, even if not dynamic!

Kinematic bodies don't collide with any other bodies.
What's wrong with using dynamic bodies if you don't need gravity?

I solved this problem by attaching a dynamic body to the kinematic one and making the kinematic one (or both) into a sensor.

This way you can move the dynamic body kinematically.

Perhaps there is a way to turn off physics simulation on the dynamic bodies to achieve the same effect....

Another option is to turn off physics gravity and apply your own Force every tick with the Runtime eventlistener on 'enterFrame' in order to selectively gravitate only the objects you want to.

views:1830 update:2012/2/8 8:46:10
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