preloader help

I have the preloader which brings up another screen before going to the next area, but i want it to just bring up some text when the area is complete. Could the preloader be edited to do that or would it be easier to code that elsewhere?

Without knowing how your app is set up it's hard to say - is the area loaded within a function? If so you could bring up text when the function completed.

I haven't used the preloader; is this in sample code?

Peach :)

The preloader is like an extension of director, i found it in the share your code area. with director it is all in a function so what you are saying does sound easier.

Well what you could try then is at the last line of the function, show the text - that way it wont appear until the program reaches that part of code.

Does that make sense? I hope it works for what you are trying to achieve.

Peach :)

PS - Alternatively you might get in touch with whoever created the preloader, they might have some advice. (It will say on the page who created it.)

preloader is kind of superceded these days.

Try storyboard or director

I am using director, I found something in the share your code section called preloader that is an extension to director.
@peach i'm not sure if that would work, as of now it is set so when the character reaches the end of the level the level changes. What we want is for the text to appear for a few seconds or so before the level changes when the level is complete.

So it takes a few seconds to change levels once the level is complete - is that what you're saying? If so, is this the actual time it takes to load or are you using a timer?

no right now the transition is automatic, we want it to take a few seconds so the message will come up and then transition. a timer would work for that could we attach text to that or something like that?

Use a timer for the text, eg, 2000 milliseconds, then use a delay of 4000 on the transition - that should achieve the desired result.

Peach :)

views:1878 update:2012/2/8 8:46:10
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