application not installed-- HTC EVO. Please help!!

I just completed my first app. I have an HTC evo when i try to install any app compiled by corona, the android start installing but then give me a msg "application not installed" . I also tried several example and tried the compiles in two other HTC evo phones. Nothing works so far. Does anyone have a solution for this? Does corona works with HTC evo? Thank you for the help.

is the htc evo an arm 6 or armv7 chipset?

if it is arm6 then it won't install. most likely that is the cause of failure. corona sdk does not work on arm6 devices


Carlos thanks for the reply. How do I know if I have arm6 or arm7 in my phone? is there any where to check that in the phone? Also are there any other issues that can cause this failure? I tried it in 3 different HTC evo phones. Thanks again

I have EXACTLY the same problem with HTC Wildfire..

I have tested it also on HTC Incredible S and there it works fine, but fails on Wildfire..

Might it be that you will fix this in the future ?

I have the same problem my tablet with android 2.2..

I have tested it also on android sdk but it does not work

what can i do?

Thank you all. PROBLEM SOLVED. The problem was that I was using Java 7 instead of Java SDK v6 x86 (32bit). If you have Java 7 you need to remove it and install Java SDK v6 x86 (32bit). After I install Java v6 and rebuild the app, the application was able to install in my HTC evo. Here's a great article by Thomas Gorence that explain all the requirements needed for Android

Here's a direct link to the Java SDK v6 x86 (32bit) download

Hope this help someone

Someone from Corona staff please let the users know this fact. Thanks again for the help.

@e1fabre : thanks for sharing the fix.


@fabre1 - man, am happy by you. Cheers! :)

Thank you @e1fabre :)

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