issue with keystore

I'm trying to package an application for the Android Market for the first time.

I've been following this how-to:

I've gotten to the point where I use jar signer to sign the apk file, but i get this message in the terminal:

crossman-wilkinss-macbook-pro:~ crossmanwilkins$ jarsigner -verbose -keystore release.keystore Crossman Wilkins Resume.apk Crossman Wilkins Resume
Enter Passphrase for keystore:
jarsigner: Certificate chain not found for: Wilkins. Wilkins must reference a valid KeyStore key entry containing a private key and corresponding public key certificate chain.

What does this mean? I was of the understanding that the release.keystore that I created is the certificate so why is it not able to find it?

Any suggestions would be helpful.

views:1750 update:2011/10/8 8:54:25
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