.lua file error

I'm trying to load a .lua file in the windows corona simulator and an error pops up saying "Only main.lua can be opened". I'm saving the files as the only .lua format I can but it's not working. Any ideas as to what special brand of stupidity I have committed?

Your primary file needs to be named main.lua. That file can in turn load other lua files through require().

I had the same problem, at first i was just trying to use the default windows text editor and i just put the .lua at the end of my file name when saving. What you need to do is use an actual .lua editor, im using LuaEdit, its free and works great thus far, here is the link
you then can save in the proper .lua format and it should work for you!

You should make sure you have show file name extensions turned on. What's probably happening is you're saving main.lua.txt and the simulator doesn't know to open it.

Its working now! Thanks guys!

views:1618 update:2011/10/10 15:46:04
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