I need corona sdk build 630 for trail how can i get it

hello developers how can i download corona sdk build 630 as trail ??

i need it cause it contains many changes that differs from build 591

please give me link to download it

with respect

As trail??? Or did you mean as trial? Daily builds are only for subscribers. POINT!

If you are one, get it at the well known place:


And if you are not a subscriber... well that is one of the points that you should become one. To get daily builds before the people who use Corona for free.

can i download it from external link ?? ?

do u have it ??? as executable?? i want to buy corona license but not know cause i have big project that will take time from me so i want to develop it before buying license so if you can upload it to me you will serve me

with respect

I would never do that!


As Mike has already told you very clearly, daily builds are for subscribers only.

You can either upgrade your trial account or wait for the next stable release. (Before you ask, no, I cannot give you a date for that.)

This is totally unacceptable behavior - asking a user to help you pirate software, on the official forum no less, should make you feel thoroughly ashamed of yourself.

Play by the rules or get off the forum.

Peach Pellen

i am asking for that i want license for corona but know i am developing and learning lua and want to get timer class working as build 630 this is what i really ask for not to pirate software

cause i am beginner and want to test all corona feature as is

with respect

also inmobi not working in build 591

Also if you get a "subscriber build" - you can not use it without a valid subscription.
And if you don't have time and/or money so go step by step as most of us do - I think a lot of Indies here...

thank you @Sven

views:1801 update:2011/10/17 21:25:02
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