Modifying an Image after Collision

I am having problems changing the Image of an object after a collision.

Purpose is to change the image of a block to the image of a damaged block after colliding with an enemy.

I have a function:

newShape ( kind, x, y, health )

if ( kind == 1 ) then

if ( health == 2 ) then

shape = display.newRect ( xxxxx ); = 2;
localGroup:insert ( shape );
physic.addBody ( shape, {xxx} );

elseif ( health == 1 ) then

shape = display.newRect ( xxxxx ); = 1;
localGroup:insert ( shape );
physic.addBody ( shape, {xxx} );




so that is how I am creating my shapes, they are then stored in a table:

local shapeObjects = {}

shapeObject[i] = newShape ( kind, x, y, health );
shapeObject[i].index = i;

and then I have a collision:

function onCollision ( self, e )

if ( e.phase == "began" ) then

timer.performWithDelay ( 100, updateHealth ( e.other, self );



enemy.collision = onCollision;
enemy:addEventListener ( "collision", enemy );

The collision outsources to another function which controls the image swapping

function updateHealth ( shape, enemy )

local health = - enemy.damage;
local index = shape.index;
local kind = shape.kind;
local x = shape.x;
loca; y = shape.y;

if ( health > 0 ) then

shape:removeSelf ();

-- Here is where the program is having a problem and crashes.

shapeObject[index] = newShape ( kind, x, y, health );

elseif ( health >= 0 ) then

shape:removeSelf ();



So I can remove that line of code and everything works fine. I have also tried having the program create a simple rectangle of a new name:

tempShape = display.newRect ( xxxx );

But if I try to add it to a group or add it as a physical body, the program crashes.

I read that you have to have a timer delayed to make modification or remove objects during a collision, but I have done this and still every time it crashes and I have tried almost everything.

Any ideas on an alternative or a fix to my problem

Assuming your box isn't animated, I suggest combining the two images in a sprite sheet, then making the box a one-frame sprite. That way you can use sprite:prepare to change the box to the damaged image frame.

Ill try this and let you know

A good solution is in your object-creation function, create and return a group that has two children, for instance, group.default and group.collided (which will be references to two display objects inserted into that group).

Then, when your object collides, you could do something like:

    group.default.isVisible = false
    group.collided.isVisible = true

Jonathan's method is also much better for animated sprites, since the prepare method has a noticeable delay and doesn't look good when transitioning an animated sprite onscreen.

views:1335 update:2011/11/14 9:16:56
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