Displaying score on other screen


I have a game in which you score points, i am using director class. The score will later then appear on another screen (main menu). But i have noticed that adding the score to another director screen is not as easy as i thought. I was wondering how i could do this. Basically scoring points on another screen then displaying the score on different screen. Does anyone have any ideas on how this can be done?

Moved this to the appropriate forum. (Features and Roadmap is not for questions like this.)

I actually answered a question about this same thing earlier today, see this thread; http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2011/11/26/score-showing-gameover-screen#comment-69979

Any questions, let me know.

Peach :)

Sorry, I forgot to change the forum.

I am still confused with global variables. Can you give me a quick preview on what exactly they are?
And the difference between local and Global. Thanks a lot.

views:1549 update:2011/11/28 11:38:31
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