[Customer support forum?] Can't access daily builds after subscribing

Dear Ansca Staff,

Since I'm having issues with getting the current build running on my phone, which I have sent an email about nearly a week ago and have since not received a useful answer to, I decided to spend the weekend more useful this time.

Meaning: Buy the indie license and get coding with the older builds, or perhaps even the latest and greatest daily build. Since the older ones DO work.

However, I received the confirmation email that I'm now a subscriber, I can authenticate the application without trouble, so the upgrade clearly went through. Nevertheless.. my access to the daily builds is still blocked.

Which leaves me in a bit of a fickle situation. On one hand customer support seems a bit slow-ish, although that is a subjective observation on my end. On the other hand I have bought a license in good confidence I could actually get to work this time, while in the mean time waiting for a support reply. Unfortunately I got the short end of the stick here too.

The software is fantastic, that's an indisputable fact. And, to be frank, it's been less than an hour since I made the purchase. However, the illusion is created that one can pay and dive in right after. Currently I have no idea what situation I'm in. Does someone need to manually approve the account upgrade so I can access the daily builds (god, I hope not) or did something simply go wrong with the upgrade?

Having this issue resolved today would be marvelous, of course. But at the very least I am hoping to receive a clarification of what's going on.

Looking forward to your reply and getting this out of the way :)

Yours sincerely,

Edit: Edited to change title. Was a bit of a heat of the moment thing when I wrote it ;)

@rrossen : the entries in our database seem to be ok. Also, you subscribed to the Corona Android Indie version of our Corona SDK.

email me directly if you can't still log on to and see the daily build activity.


Hi Carlos,

Thanks for following up.

I tried logging out and back in just to make sure one more time but still getting the "We're Sorry" page when going to: http://developer.anscamobile.com/downloads/daily-builds

You highlighted the Android Indie license bit in your reply. Since I develop on windows I had no need for the Pro at the moment. However, I was under the impression the Pro subscription is not a requirement for access to the daily builds?

Also, since I just came out of the sun (summer is on its way, oh yeah!) my brain might be a bit slow but... I can't find where to contact you directly.

Also, I just noticed the http://developer.anscamobile.com/forums/subscribers-only link here in the "blue block where you write a message to post on the forums". Getting the same "We're Sorry" notice there.

Appreciate you looking into it.

Kind regards,

cicaza AT anscamobile DOT com



It is our server !!!

Looking to fix this right now !

Give me a few hours.


Sorry to ruin your free Saturday :(

It's already evening here so if it's a matter of hours there isn't an immediate rush for me, can't speak for possible others though.


we will have it fixed asap. thanks for patience and for reaching out.




It is indeed. I tip my hat to you, sir.

Many thanks and enjoy the weekend.

- Reinier

I am pleased to tell you the latest daily build also resolved the crashing issue I had with the public build.

- Thanks again. I'll update the other tread about the issue as well.

great to hear

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