Clock. Display the 0 before single digits seconds and minutes

I can't seem to find the right string.format parameter to display the 0 before single digit.

I need to display this 09:03 instead of 9:3

Can anyone help?

print( string.format("%02d:%02d", 9, 3 ) )

Yes!!! Thank you very much!

Perfect question!

How about getting zeros in this context?

local hiScoreText = display.newText( hiScore,100, 10, native.systemFontBold, 18)

I am trying to do something like: 0000002540 where hiscore = 2540 for instance. I tried:

local hiScoreText = display.newText(string.format("%06d", hiScore),100, 10, native.systemFontBold, 18)


local hiScoreText = display.newText( "%06d"..hiScore,100, 10, native.systemFontBold, 18)

But no luck. All this does is move the hiScore a little bit to the right but no zeros in the front of the hiScore

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot.


 local hiscore = 2540
local hiScoreText = display.newText( string.format ( "%010d", hiscore ),100, 10, native.systemFontBold, 18)

THANKS ojnab!!!!

As usual you guys rock in this forum. Work like a charm. I was also forgetting to format my hiscore/score updates so of course at the start your solution did not "work". For newbie (like me) out there make sure your format your updates like:

hiScoreText.text = string.format ( "%010d", hiScore )

Thanks again ojnab. I appreciate it.


views:1352 update:2011/9/27 8:54:05
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