Could use some assistance with scrolling and different devices sizes (scaling)


I am trying to create parallax scrolling/zooming similar to Angry birds and have the game world be consistent across the different devices.

i.e. If you play AB on an iPad, the images appear larger because the screen is larger and as such you don't have to zoom in as much to take in the whole scene. On an iPhone or palm for example, the game appears smaller because the screen isn't so large however for each of these devices the world appears to be one size, that is zoomed in and out of.

I'm trying to do something similar in Corona, however the dynamic scaling is throwing me off. For example my game world size is 1440 x 960 (3 iPhone screens wide and 3 high). I have a transition to move the screen left and right, that looks like this:, {time = 1500, x = -(1440 - screenWidth),

If I run this on an iPhone, it works (I overlapped an image grid of the game world size to see). If I switch to the iPad, it doesn't end at the game world size, instead it moves 2 iPad screens to the right. So the way the world is defined on an iphone it should move 960 pixels to the right, however on an iPad it should only move ~416 pixels. Any idea on how I can code this so it is consistent across the devices?



Thanks for the resources, however I have looked at that game for ideas/examples and it doesn't show what I'm looking for. I think
what I'm trying to do can't be done currently using Corona.

Essentially what I need to get is the device resolution or device screen size for each device and subtract the game world from that. The problem that I am having now with leaving content scaling on is that my game world size is essentially 3 iPhone screens in width. If I switch over to the iPad, instead of the game world size only going a little past the screen since the screen size is already 1024, it scales to 3 iPad screens which isn't what I want. Essentially when I zoom out of content on a larger screen I shouldn't have to zoom as far out or the content should appear as small as it would on a smaller device, however I'm not sure if there is a way to achieve this.

thanks again,

views:1645 update:2011/9/27 18:14:54
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