Reusable corona libraries

I am wondering if it would be worthwhile for the community to help build a library of pluggable lua files to speed up game development.

Things i can think of

A template with basic director integrated for screen changes
A scoring framework
Optional integration of scoring with openfient or facebook
A customizable in-game score board
A dev time memory and stats checker
Effects library
Form builder for business apps
A framework for allocating and releasing memory for objects
And the good stuff which people are willing to share...

Would really love to see some integration of these in tools like the corona project manager which IMO can turn into a IDE with built in features which provide a headstart to rapid dev for corona.

Thoughts please?

While it sounds good in theory I think it would be a nightmare with support. The problem I could see happening is people who don't know anything about programming in general let alone lua (and don't want to learn) trying to make apps and then when it doesn't work they either expect the dev that made the library or Ansca to solve their problems for them. I think that if someone wants to make an app they should either learn how to do it themselves or pay someone else to do it for them. Besides, Corona makes it so simple to implement everything you mention that a lot of the time it's quicker to implement from scratch than to edit a template for a specific project. Corona is already a rapid development SDK (check out Jon Beebe's apps and examples).

views:1377 update:2011/9/30 9:15:39
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