Sensor shapes in Corona are amazing!

Last night I discovered sensors in Corona. If you've not found out about these yet, and you're getting into game development with Corona, you need to see what these things can do.

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Polygon bodies

If you're new to Corona, like me, then Sensors let you specify a custom hit detection shape for an actor on stage. If you have an animated sprite that's anything other than a chunky box shaped character, you'll likely want to set a sensor for the body that's smaller than the default rectangular shape that will be applied.

In flash, I used to make sensors for each actor movieClip using a rectangle from separate objects. They were used to detect hits with ledges, platforms and when a character hit another one. With GameSalad, you create a rectangle object and constrain it's X and Y to the actor. Corona makes it much easier to do.

local zombie = display.newImage("zombie.png");
sensorShape = {-10,-10,10,-10,10,10,-10,10};
physics.addBody( zombie, { isSensor = true, shape = sensorShape} )

you can also have an invisible rectangle at the same position as the image that will act as the sensor providing you collision events.



views:1368 update:2011/9/30 9:15:39
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